Education & Health For Children in Kenya

Working with communities for impact

Who We Are

EHCK exists to enable the communities to effectively promote and advance the interests and well-being of children, youths, men and women.

International School & University Guidance

We work with local families and schools to link up students interested with international high schools and universities in North America.


This involves nurturing children and youths on their emotional, social and physical person. We work with individuals, families, schools for this to be realized.

Items for promoting the Community

The community members strive to fend for themselves by creating items of value that most visitors buy and thus help in them meet their basic needs.
This book, below, is about psychosocial and emotional development. It's a great piece for anybody with and/or working with children. A gem for parents, mentors, teachers among others. Sold at Kes. 250 only. Get in touch to order. It is published by Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB). Distributed through major book stores in Nairobi
Our water projects

Donate To Support These Vulnarable Groups

The following are the most essential services that require continous support:
a):Counseling of youths and children due to COVID 19 ksh1000.00 per session or 10 US dollars a session.
b):Mentor ship of a child costing kshs 2500 0r 25 US dollars
c):Vulnerable women in crisis with food at 15 US dollars

Latest Development
Sven, meeting stakeholders and Ndhole community during the launch of Ndhole Green Energy Project 11. Sven is studying Masters in Engineering at Uhasselt University, Belgium. He will drill a borehole in the school. This will open irrigation services for the school and the community.
Latest Development
A volunteer student, Sven from Uhasselt University,  Belgium, visiting a grandmother beneficiary of the project. The grandmother takes care of a grandmother child who was orphaned as a result of HIV/ AIDS.

EHCK - water Project

Meetings with communities for   Ndhole Water Project.
Ndhole water project will serve a population of 800 households. The community will enjoy irrigating their farms as well as domestic use. School drop out is envisaged to reduce as parents will have access to clean water.